Join the SoulJam!
Complete the form below to access the Zoom Link to the next SoulJam on 2/28 @ 6:30pm PST
So, what is…
SoulJam is a virtual space for you to bring:
• Your freshest poetry
• Your spoken-word stream of consciousness
• A song that you LOVE to sing or one you’re currently working on
• Your freestyle-flow
• A practice speech you’re going to be giving soon
• Your best jokes/comedy sketch
Perhaps you’d like to guide the group in a meditation.
Or maybe you’ll like to test out a creative business idea and receive some group feedback.
Let it serve your creative impulses and expanded expression.
There are three ground-rules of SoulJam:
Authenticity over Perfection.
The only ‘right way’ to do it, is the ‘real’ way.
When someone is sharing, give them your full attention.
They deserve it. Period. Similarly, you also deserve the group’s full attention when you’re sharing.
Please, no phones.
We may decide/agree on a moment for a group photo, but otherwise this will be a safe + sacred container which means there will be no recording and no disclosing of other people’s personal information/art outside of the SoulJam container unless explicit permission is given.
What to bring:
A glass of water/tea/beverage that is yummy to your tummy
A candle
A journal + pen
A creative offering to share
An open heart
(if you would like to join as an ‘observer’ and don’t feel called to share anything, that’s fine. You might just change your mind, mid-Jam!)