I’m so glad you made it to my website via the Learn On 2022 virtual conference — love that organization and all they do for educators!
If you were called to my offering, there’s a good chance there’s much value to be exchanged between us — I always learn as much as I teach.
Music is passion and a way of life for me; I truly love sharing the joy of authentic singing/speaking with anyone who is feeling the call to open up their voice more often.
Typically I work best with those who used to speak or sing freely, but somewhere down the line lost the confidence or willingness to ‘try’ anymore.
Alas, all is not lost!
Guiding people back home to their vocal treasure chest is what I do best!
Feel free to download the free PDF below that contains 5 tips for more authentic singing/speaking and book a call with me if you are ready to spend some 1-1 time opening up your voice.
Sending you (and your throat chakra!) love,